Si ayer hablamos del discurso del excandidato demócrata a la vicepresidencia, como cierre de lujo para un primer/segundo día descafeinado, hoy queremos compartir algunas de las frases del que sin duda fue el discurso de la noche. Aprovechando sus dotes de actor, con un dominio espectacular de público y escenario, Fred Thompson, exsenador por Tennesse y excandidato a la presidencia por el Partido Republicano hizo un encendido elogio del Senador Mccain.

On John McCain’s qualifications to be president:
«This is the kind of character that civilizations from the beginning of history have sought in their leaders. Strength. Courage. Humility. Wisdom. Duty. Honor. It’s pretty clear there are two questions we will never have to ask ourselves, ‘Who is this man?’ and ‘Can we trust this man with the presidency?'»
On John McCain’s dedication to doing what is right – not what is popular:
«He has been to Iraq eight times since 2003. He went seeking truth, not publicity. When he travels abroad, he prefers quietly speaking to the troops amidst the heat and hardship of their daily lives. And the same character that marked John McCain’s military career has also marked his political career. This man, John McCain, is not intimidated by what the polls say or by what is politically safe or popular.»
On John McCain’s commitment to taking real action to reform Washington:
«But while others were talking reform, John McCain led the effort to make reform happen – always pressing, always moving for what he believed was right and necessary to restore the people’s faith in their government. Confronting when necessary, reaching across the aisle when possible, John personified why we came to Washington in the first place.»
On John McCain’s ability to restore integrity to our government:
«My role is to help remind you of the man behind the vision. Because tonight our country is calling to all of us to step up, stand up, and put ‘Country First’ with John McCain. Tonight we are being called upon to do what is right for our country.»