Hace unos meses Obama ofrecía un premio a aquellos que donaran a su campaña, entrar en el sorteo de una cena para cinco a la que asistiría el todavía candidato a la nominación demócrata.

Antes de la Convención demócrata Hillary Clinton también pedía dinero e invitaba a cenar

Dear Friend,

Summer is a time for simple pleasures: family vacations, baseball games, and dinner out under the stars. At least it is if you aren’t running for president!

It sure is nice having a little more time on my hands, and I’d love to spend some of it with you. Would you like to join me for dinner?

During the campaign, I had the chance a few times to grab meals with supporters, but they were always rushed thanks to the frenetic pace of the campaign. This is my first chance to sit down and spend some real one-on-one time with you. If you enter today, we could be having dinner together soon!
Join me for dinner. Make a $5 contribution today.

My staff has been calling this my «retirement dinner» — not because I’m retiring, of course, but because we’re working on retiring the debt we owe to small vendors all over the country. Everyone who acts today will have the chance to join me — along with a guest — for a dinner to talk about whatever you’d like.

Let’s go to dinner! Every little bit helps, and even $5 can make a real difference. Contribute $5 now, and you and I could be enjoying a summer dinner together soon!

Join me for dinner. Make a $5 contribution today.

Thank you so much for all your wonderful support.

All the best,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Ahora es el Partido Popular el que para promover la movilización de la creatividad y hacer ruido convoca un concurso de videos sobre la crisis. En este caso la idea tampoco es nueva, ya la pusó en práctica durante la campaña electoral española solicitando spots electorales, «tu propuesta en 30 segundos». Lo novedoso es que ahora el premio es comer con Rajoy en su despacho, apertura a la sociedad en los dos sentidos…. congratulations!!