Las encuestas todavía no quieren decir nada pero suelen desempeñar un papel muy interesante en la guerra psicológica que hay detrás de cada campaña. Aunque es sólo un ejemplo, copio el post de estrategy08, un blog creado por activistas demócratas para estas elecciones, que suele tener una visión bastante interesante de la situación. Esta vez compara la campaña con la de Kerry, recordando que se están cometiendo los mismos errores… y avisando que quizás las encuestas quieren decir algo. Merece la pena leerlo entero:
There’s another “Shut Your Fucking Piehole” diary on the recommended list at Dailykos. Another diary, just like the one in 2004, telling us to shut up about our concerns about the lack of coherent messaging in the Obama campaign.
I feel like we’re repeating the same mistakes from 2004. They keep talking about how the ground game is more important than advertising, and how polls don’t matter until the polls after the debates.
Well, it used to be “Polls don’t matter until the conventions.” Then it’s “Polls don’t matter until the debates.” Then it’s “The only poll that matters is on Election Day.”
And the same talk about the ground game is there, and the same conversations about trusting in Obama’s team, and that they have some inside information that us rubes don’t know about—like the same talk that went on in 2004.
Obama is no John Kerry–let me make that clear, but he does have Gephardt and Daschle’s people in charge of media and marketing. Those people did great in getting Gephardt the nomination in 2004, right?
It all comes down to consistent messaging, and the opportunity to go on the offense, not the defense. Whoever goes on the offense first is seen as the stronger of the two candidates, and Obama’s not looking like that right now with his defensive reactions.
I keep thinking about the missed opportunities. Like the missed opportunity to turn the attack on community organizers into an attack on McCain and Palin’s “elitism” and inability to connect to average Americans. It would have been great to have surrogates on the networks angrily talking about how McCain and Palin just dissed average Americans, like the ones that went down to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, the ones that went down to Ground Zero after September 11th, 2001, the ones that went into rural communities to help out farms, the ones that helped build homes for people in neighborhoods. And have these community organizers featured in an hard-hitting advertisement, “John McCain and Sarah Palin attacked me. If they make fun of people like me for helping out on 9/11 [or helping out after Hurricane Katrina] then they’re not the people I want in the White House. They don’t care about me, and they don’t care about YOU either.”
That was a missed opportunity. We only have 58 days left before the election on November 4th. At the rate this is going, we’ll see a President McCain and a Vice-President Palin.
Goodbye, Roe V. Wade.
Goodbye, Constitution.
Goodbye, peace.
Hello, high utility bills.
Hello, global warming.
Hello, high gas prices.
Hello, war in Iran.
Hello, no more jobs.
Hello, no more health insurance.
Hello, America under McCain and Palin.
That’s the future we’ll have unless Obama’s team decides to wake up and fight HARD for us.