Lo decíamos hace unos días, lo mejor que le puede pasar a Mccain es que se ponga en cuestión su pasado, su experiencia militar… y ayer el General Wesley k. Clark, cercano a la campaña de Obama, señalo que el pasado de Mccain no le capacita para ser un buen Presidente.
Obama ha tenido que salir a desmentirlo, Mccain a pasar por encima de puntillas, pero procurando hacer el mayor ruido posible, y su staff se ha lanzado en plancha sobre el asunto. Dos días más de Mccain, el heroe americano… gracias a Obama.
Y esta semana Colombia y México, una visita anunciada para lanzar un mensaje a mexicanos y colombianos, casi el 70% de los 18 millones de hispanos que pueden votar en estas elecciones.
Ayer el jefe de la prisión vietnamita en la que Mccain pasó unos años de su vida concedió una entrevista a la BBC, dejó dos grandes titulares, uno para cada parte:
1. Si yo fuera americano votaría por Mccain, es un buen hombre
2. Mccain nunca fue torturado. Lo que pondría en entredicho su historia, que le convirtió en un heroe americano y su credibilidad.
No creo que alguien que dice que en su prisión no se torturaba a nadie tenga mucho crédito pero la ocasión es perfecta para intentar sacar un poco la cabeza en esta campaña, con testimonios de otros torturados en Hanoi, aunque siempre puede seguir durmiendo y jugando en casa de Obama (ayer con el gobierno verde, que Obama presentó de forma mucho más detallada y convincente hace una semana).
Ingenioso y divertido, busca el voto independiente contrario a la guerra de Irak. Han invertido 540.000 dolares para emitirlo en Ohio, Michigan y Wisconsin, estados clave, y según señalan está funcionando muy bien, generando el tipo de reacciones que buscaban en ese público.
Una vez más Antxon nos descubre un video impresionante, un briefing the 15 minutos del jefe de campaña de Mc cain. Para todos aquellos apasionados de las campañas electorales merece la pena.
Os imaginais a Guerra apoyando a Rajoy. Increible no? No será por falta de ganas, me consta que en el tema territorial más de una vez ha debido tener tentaciones de hacerlo pero siempre es más cómodo quedarse sentado en el sillón y aplaudir al lider, apuñalandolo en privado.
En Estados Unidos las cosas son distintas y ayer el candidato a la vicepresidencia en el año 2000 Joseph Lieberman, lanzaba un comité ciudadano y bipartidista de apoyo a Mccain.
Una vez más la estrategia con los indecisos, los llamados «demócratas de Reagan», está funcionando de maravilla, el gran reto es la base republicana…. todo se andará.
To: Fellow McCain Supporters From: Senator Joe Lieberman Date: June 5th, 2008 Today, I asked Senator McCain if I could create and chair a new grassroots organization, «Citizens for McCain.» Citizens for McCain is an organization within the McCain campaign for people who put country before political party and support the candidate for President who has a proven record of bipartisanship. As you know, I caucus with the Democrats as a United States Senator and was the Democrat Party’s nominee for Vice-President of the United States against President Bush and Vice President Cheney. But first and foremost, I am an American. I have an obligation to do what I think is best for our nation regardless of political party. My love for this country and strong belief in John McCain’s character, judgment, and willingness to work with leaders of both parties has convinced me to support him for President. I have worked with John McCain for many years in the U.S. Senate and know from experience that he can unite Democrats, Republicans and Independents like no one else in this country. He did it in the United States Senate and he can do it as President of the United States. But we need help from McCain supporters such as you to reach out to Americans who are not currently involved in the campaign. Will you help us by recruiting your friends, family, and co-workers who may not consider themselves members of the Republican Party and ask them to join the Citizens for McCain organization? I am confident we will find many Democrats and Independents who, like John McCain and me, put country before political party and will support a leader with a real record of bipartisanship. Time and time again John McCain has put his country first. He refused early release when he was held captive in Vietnam. He continued to put his country first as a national leader in the U.S. Senate. He put country before party when he fought to pass campaign finance reform, sought a bi-partisan solution to the immigration problem, and consistently supported pro-environment policies. His courage to stand up to the failed Iraq war plan of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and lead the fight for a new strategy in Iraq will go down in history, and it saved American lives. These were not always the easy things to do. In fact, they were usually very difficult, and often threatened his political career. But John McCain did what was right. He said it best in his speech in New Orleans on Tuesday night:
«(The American people) know I have a long record of bipartisan problem solving. They’ve seen me put our country before any President — before any party — before any special interest — before my own interest. They might think me an imperfect servant of our country, which I surely am. But I am her servant first, last and always.» The phones at the campaign headquarters have been ringing with disaffected Democrats calling to say they believe Senator McCain has the experience, judgment, and bipartisanship necessary to lead our country in these difficult times. Many of these supporters are former supporters of Senator Clinton. Senator McCain has had a very good working relationship with Senator Clinton and will continue to do so in the future. In the same New Orleans speech he said:
«Senator Clinton has earned great respect for her tenacity and courage. The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans, and she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometimes received. As the father of three daughters, I owe her a debt for inspiring millions of women to believe there is no opportunity in this great country beyond their reach. I am proud to call her my friend.» I am proud to call John McCain my friend and ask you to help our friend become the next President of the United States. Please forward this email to your lists today and ask your friends, family, and coworkers who do not consider themselves Republicans to join me in filling out the Citizens for McCain form today. Thank you for your willingness to help me expand this new organization. Together, we will make history.
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